Job Alerts

How to post a job alert
To post a job on, follow our simple guidelines below: Sign in to company account SFS UK | SFS US Click advertis...
Thu, 30 Jul, 2015 at 2:45 PM
How much is it to post a job alert on SFS UK?
Please see our email and SMS alert rates below: A specific email alert is £95 + VAT/ SMS alerts start from £95 (depending on recipients) Send a specific...
Thu, 30 Jul, 2015 at 2:45 PM
How can I pay for a job alert/ payment method on SFS UK?
Once you have completed your job alert you will be re-directed to Worldpay to make a one off card payment, for the amount required to complete the transa...
Thu, 30 Jul, 2015 at 2:46 PM
How long is a job alert viewable on the jobs board?
A job alert will be listed on the SFS jobs board for 7 days.
Thu, 30 Jul, 2015 at 2:47 PM
Can I re-list my alert?
A job alert will be listed on the SFS jobs board for 7 days. Should you feel the need to re-list your job alert, you can do so by following the guidelines b...
Thu, 30 Jul, 2015 at 2:48 PM
Can I close a job alert?
If you fill a position and want to remove your job alert, please follow the guidelines below: How to close a job alert: Sign in to your ac...
Thu, 30 Jul, 2015 at 2:50 PM