All users subscribe to through a Worldpay FuturePay agreement, which means the subscription is renewed automatically when it expires, and is re-charged to the credit/debit card that you originally used.

If Worldpay try to take payment after 6/12 months and fails, the most common reasons for payment failure are as follows:

* Your card has expired/been cancelled.

* The credit limit on your card has been reached.

* Your card details have changed and your agreement has not been updated

If you would like to continue using SFS, it is very simple to re-subscribe.

How to re-subscribe on SFS:

  • Login to your SFS profile

  • Click the Accounts tab

  • Click Subscription

  • Select your subscription option

  • Continue to WorldPay

  • Enter your new card details (if you do not know your Worldpay username and password, skip this section and continue to enter your card details)

You will then be re-directed to SFS where you will have immediate access again.