Memberships / Subscriptions

How to cancel Futurepay / Automatic Renewal UK
Upon registering with SFS UK your subscription is set to automatically renew at the end of your agreed term. Should you wish to cancel this you mu...
Thu, 30 Jul, 2015 at 12:23 PM
What is Worldpay/ Can I pay using a different provider?
StuckForStaff UK use Worldpay as our sole payment provider. Worldpay provides secure payment services, allowing you the user to purchase a SFS subsc...
Thu, 30 Jul, 2015 at 12:24 PM
What is a FuturePay agreement?
All UK subscribed users in the UK are automatically set up with a FuturePay agreement via WorldPay. This means your subscription will automatically renew ev...
Thu, 30 Jul, 2015 at 12:25 PM
A payment has been taken from my account
You subscribed to through a WorldPay FuturePay Agreement, which means your subscription is renewed automatically when it expires, and is...
Tue, 19 Jan, 2016 at 11:45 AM
I have received a Failed payment email via Worldpay?
All users subscribe to through a Worldpay FuturePay agreement, which means the subscription is renewed automatically when it expires, an...
Thu, 30 Jul, 2015 at 12:27 PM
I want to re-subscribe / make a new payment
If your subscription has lapsed and you wish to re-subscribe, please follow our simple guidelines below: How to re-subscribe on SFS UK: Lo...
Thu, 30 Jul, 2015 at 12:30 PM
When is my subscription up for renewal/ do I have an automatic renewal?
To find out when your subscription is up for renewal, please follow our guidelines below: When am I up for renewal? Login to your SF...
Thu, 30 Jul, 2015 at 12:32 PM
My subscription is up for renewal and I have a new card
If your subscription to SFS UK is up for automatic renewal and you have been issued a new card, you will need to cancel your current future pay agreement an...
Thu, 30 Jul, 2015 at 12:38 PM
Email notifying you of Futurepay agreement cancellation
If you have received a notification that your Futurepay agreement with StuckForStaff has been cancelled without you actually making any changes, it may be a...
Wed, 26 Aug, 2015 at 5:06 PM
Add SFS to your email 'safe senders' list
In order to receive emails you will need to add us to your allowed list. There is a good chance that if you have not you will not be receiving many job opp...
Mon, 21 Dec, 2015 at 7:26 PM